Risa Kumon is a blingual singer, songwriter, media personality and program director
based in Tokyo and from Sasebo City, Nagasaki, Japan.
Risa can sing in a variety of genres and languages
but mainly specializes in R&B, Jazz , Soul, World, and even Pop.
She is an English-Japanese artist that has an inspirational and transparent voice with a powerful message.
She lost her eyesight after getting measles when she was a child. Luckily enough, she recovered her visual acuity.
However, she had an intractable disease called Retinitis pigmentosa as sequelae.
Even though she was different from others, her parents decided to raise her like other children, so she did not know about the severity of her irregularities until after graduating high school.
In high school, Risa specialized in music and mastered classic vocal training.
帰国後、米国HIPHOPアーティスト・プロデューサーROROと国際音楽レーベルR2 RECORDZを立ち上げ、ROROの1stアルバム「Road To Success」を共同制作し、シンガー・ミュージシャンとして多数曲に参加。
代表曲「Doesn’t mean I’m lost feat. RISA KUMON」
After graduating from college, Risa studied music and English in Los Angeles while working with musicians and producers to create her first Demo CD, Love Always.
After returning to Japan, she performed in many events throughout Japan and even appeared on international events such as FOX Japan’s music Festival and other various music festivals on the US military bases stationed in Japan.
Risa & Roro would then go on to form R2 Recordz, a renowned international production company.
In 2013, she participated in RORO's 1st album "Road To Success" and was featured on the popular song "Doesn't mean I'm lost” which gained great reviews from the public.
また、日野皓正率いる、hーfactor(日野皓正、dj honda, 日野JINO賢二)のツアーにてROROと共にオープニングアクトを務める。
Later, She went on to Tour Kyushu with legendary Jazz musician Terumasa Hino, Dj Honda, and Kenji Jino Hino as an opening act with RORO on the h-factor tour.
She then was selected as one of the featured artists to perform at Fukuoka Asian Collection (Fukuoka’s biggest fashion shows) while also touring and being apart of other festivals such as the Nakasu Jazz festival for 2 consecutive years.
メディア活動では、国際番組制作を開始し、福岡LoveFM76.1「RORO RADIO」や東京InterFM897「R2 RADIO」「RnB Selecta by RISA」にて番組を持ち、ROROと共にホストとして国際音楽やトレンド・カルチャーの番組を制作する。
後に、米国Hiphopグループ「The Pharcyde(ザ・ファーサイド)」が運営するグローバルTVネットワーク ”Pharcyde TV” を日本にローンチし、国際TV番組 ”R2 RADIO” のホスト兼ディレクターとして国内外の著名人、国際アーティストらをインタビューしている。
In the media, Risa was a co-host on Roro Radio, a show that aired weekly in Fukuoka on a popular commercial radio station known as LoveFm76.1Mhz.
She later became a weekly radio presenter on R2 Radio at InterFM89.7Mhz, a famous Radio station in Tokyo.
With time, she was given her show, RNB Selecta By Risa on InterFM89.7 alongside R2 radio.
The shows she hosted instantly gained approval from the public and she was able to interview many international major artists and DJs.
Recently, Risa & her Partner Roro partnered with the US Hip-Hop group, The Pharcyde to broadcast their show R2 RADIO from Tokyo to the world through the new network, Pharcyde Tv.
On R2 Radio they have interviewed entertainers such as DJ Jazzy Jeff, Kirk Franklin, The Pharcyde, Brian McKnight, Mr.Doodle, DJ Krush, Shing02, Corinne Bailey Rae, Maxi priest, Take 6, and many more.
While continuing R2 Radio, She has branched off to start her own show called “Risa’s Select” where she select various topics and things from around the world that she likes.
2016年にリリースされたホリデーアルバム「Christmas Covers」では、更に注目を集め、iTune Storeのジャズトップソングにて1位を獲得。
In 2016, Risa released her "Christmas Covers" ep and it went on to top the iTunes charts on multiple occasions and even landed at the number 1 spot. The ep continues to show up on the iTunes chart yearly in different countries around the world.
2016年にリリースされたクリスマスEP”Christmas Covers”では、iTunes StoreのJAZZトップソングにて1位を獲得。総合トップソングにおいては20位にランクイン。2022年6月リリースされたシングル”FREE”は、日・米R&B/SOUL iTunes 7位 Amazon 6位Amazonプリオーダー3位。Record Store Day Japan 2023年版限定7インチレコードとしてRadio edit ver.を発売し、即完売。日本の美を表現したミュージックビデオは、米国、スペイン、韓国のフィルムフェスにてオフィシャルセレクションに抜選され、海外の音楽メディアにて数多く取り上げられた。同年7月に1st アルバム「Ri-Verse」が先行配信リリースされ、日本のR&B・ソウル配信チャート3位にランクイン。11月にはボーナストラックを収録したCDを発売し、翌年2024年のレコードストアデイ限定盤LPを発売。多彩な音楽性とRisaの世界観にアレンジされた名曲集は年代やジャンルを問わずに人気を得ている。日本のみならず海外からの人気度も上昇させている将来性が高い今注目の国際アーティストである。
Currently, Risa is working on new projects that features artists from around the world. Risa not only wants to challenge herself but also wants to inspire many people using her sweet voice and story to demonstrate that with hard work, love, and dedication, everything is possible.